Wow api wiki gg. Still returns health percentages for players.

Wow api wiki gg. Returns nil if attempting to set a secure cvar in combat.

  • Wow api wiki gg API documenter for Warcraft Wiki. gg Community Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources; Official patch notes: Dragonflight: Seeds of Renewal Content Update Notes; Deprecated API: Blizzard_Deprecated; Vertex color animations. ChannelInfo () - Returns the player's currently channeling spell. gg Community Allows the region to propagate mouse clicks to underlying regions or the world frame. If omitted, or if the other panel is not found, then this panel remains top-level. 1 (57564) and 11. " Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. The IDs of the first page (all characters) range from 1-36, the second page 37-54. Securely post-hooks a widget script handler. icon, active, castable, spellID = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(index) Arguments index number - index, ascending from 1 to GetNumShapeshiftForms() Returns icon string - Path to icon texture active Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. Returns the color for an item quality. "Apprentice ". env = getfenv(f) Arguments f function or number - A function to retrieve the environment of, or a numeric level of a function on the call stack starting from 1. Registers the frame for a specific event, triggering only for the specified units. Use the ModelFrame if you want to display a fully 3D-model of a specific unit, like the one used in the CharacterFrame. templateName string? - Comma-delimited list of names of virtual textures (created in XML) to inherit from. You may need to call C_GuildInfo. ; If showServerName is false, then FOREIGN_SERVER_LABEL" (*)" will be appended to units Panel fields Fields used when registering a new panel: name string - Name in the list of panels (customarily the AddOn name, unless it is a sub-panel). 0 is the backpack. The ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA is triggered when the main area changes (such as exiting or leaving a major city). Sets the widget script handler. The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. 0 through 1. 15. DoesItemExistByID but ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT will have success:false and GetItemInfo will never return information, resulting in ItemMixin:ContinueOnItemLoad never Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources; Deprecated API: Blizzard_Deprecated; Official patch notes: Dragonflight: Dark Heart Content Update Notes; Breaking changes. "Grand Master", "Racial Passive". TOC: 11504 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. The server's Unix timestamp is more preferable over time() since it's guaranteed to be synchronized between clients. GameTooltip:SetText(text [, r, g, b, alpha, textWrap]) Arguments text String - The text for the tooltip. The Lua user interface code can be exported from the game client. GetCombatRating: Get's the underlying rating that contributes to the bonus; GetCritChance: Gets the players current Crit Chance %; GetMastery: Get the player's current Mastery % Sets a console variable. 0 and Patch 11. , Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. Some previously global API functions have moved to the C_StableInfo namespace, and others have been removed. Calling this function with an invalid variable name, or a variable that cannot be queried by AddOns (like "accountName"), will return nil. Starting at the top left macro with 1, counting from left to right and top to bottom. parent string? - The name of another panel to appear as a its sub-panel. 0 for your backpack. - Optional red color value for text, between 0 and 1. Returns the index of the player's current specialization. The pet stable has been overhauled. Frames are shown by default when they are created. Pass multiple arguments to register several buttons, or none to remove any previous registrations. animation = AnimationGroup:CreateAnimation([animationType, name, inheritsFrom]) Arguments animationType string - Type of the animation to create, one of: Animation (default), Translation, Rotation, Alpha, Scale, ControlPoints and Path name string - Desired global name that will be Details. success = ScriptObject:HookScript(scriptTypeName, script [, bindingType]) Arguments scriptTypeName string - Name of the script type, for example "OnShow". Returns true if the specified addon is loaded. The local machine's clock could possibly have been manually changed and might also be off by a few seconds if not recently Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. GetCVar(name) = GetCVar Arguments name string : CVar - name of the CVar to query the value of. The See Global functions/Classic for a complete list. g number - Green component of the color (0 to 1, inclusive). Creates an Animation within the AnimationGroup. script function|nil - The script handler to call or explicitly nil to remove any existing script. GuildRoster() first in order to obtain correct data. templateName string? - The name of a virtual template. Added instanceId to GetSavedInstanceInfo as the 14th return value. string - The localized name of the instance—otherwise, the continent name (e. 13. If showServerName is true and the queried unit is from a different server, then the return value will include the unit's name appended by a dash and the normalized realm name. zone = GetRealZoneText([instanceID]) Arguments instanceID number? : InstanceID - When omitted, returns current instanceID name. 5 (57134), 4. duration number - The number of seconds the cooldown will Returns the item ID for an equipped item. GetUnitName. Returns zone string - The name of the map instance. script function - The function that will be called. gg Community Returns info for an item in a container slot. 5. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Returns info for the map instance the character is currently in. Details This page contains a comparison of global functions in Classic Era and Cataclysm Classic. Returns value string? - current value of the CVar. 3 (2019-12-10): Returns absolute health values for NPCs to alleviate addon comms load from the Real Mob Health addon. currentSpec = GetSpecialization([isInspect, isPet, specGroup]) Arguments isInspect boolean? - if true, return information for the inspected player isPet Returns the maximum health of the unit. 2 (2008-10-14): Returns absolute health instead of percentages for non party/raid units. ScriptObject:SetScript(scriptTypeName, script) Arguments scriptTypeName string - Name of the script type, for example "OnShow". This is a dummy spell specifically for the GCD. Details Returns the current environment in use by the function. success = C_CVar. ItemQualityđź”— r number - Red component of the color (0 to 1, inclusive). numMembers = GetNumGroupMembers([groupType]) Arguments groupType number? If omitted, defaults to INSTANCE if applicable, HOME otherwise. Most functions have simply been moved under the C_SpellBook or C_Spell namespaces, but To get started with the WoW API, register for an API key on the Blizzard Developer Portal, understand the API documentation, set up your development environment, obtain an Returns the number of players in the group. Still returns health percentages for players. g. Large messages are truncated to max 255 characters, and only valid chat message characters are permitted. ; Example. ; Certain items and spells no longer return information from the server. Patch 1. This is SecureTemplates are a family of protected frame and button templates defined as part of FrameXML. bindingType number? - The intrinsic frame precall/postcall handler. Returns spellName string - Name of the spell as it appears in the spell book, e. ScriptRegion:SetPassThroughButtons([button1, ]) Arguments button1, string? : LeftButton, RightButton, MiddleButton, Button4, Button5 Details. gg Community Returns a link of the object located in the specified slot of a specified bag. The measurements recorded by this new profiler are always enabled and do not API namespaces/C PlayerScript This page was last edited on 17 April 2024, at 20:52. Maximum returned value is 500. value string|number? = "0" - The new value of the CVar. Shows a texture which is also parented to UIParent so it will be have the same UI scale and hidden when toggled with Alt-Z Returns true if the specified units are the same unit. 2 are included. 5 (57212) Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. Through attribute-based configuration, they allow addons to access some of the protected functionality. Returns the current value of a console variable. To check the Global Cooldown, you can use the spell ID 61304. itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bagID, slotIndex) bagID number - Bag index (bagID). Run KethoWowpedia/scripts in-game to generate wikitext. xml, and functionality supporting them resides in FrameXML/SecureTemplates. drawLayer string?: DrawLayer = ARTWORK - The layer the font should be drawn in. gg Community Details. The state of Blizzard addons can only be queried by name. isSame = UnitIsUnit(unit1, unit2) Arguments unit1 string : UnitId - The first unit to query (e. The templates are defined in FrameXML/SecureTemplates. 0); hex: the escape sequence for that color, including the leading |cff. Sends a chat message. A wiki. Updated Spell/SpellBook APIs post-SpellBook-UI-revamp. 0 License unless otherwise noted. "party1", "pet", "player") unit2 string : UnitId - The second unit to compare it to (e. lua Resetting the WoW User Interface by deleting the game client or WTF folder does not completely reset your CVars. loaded, finished = IsAddOnLoaded(name) name number|string : uiAddon - The name of the addon to be queried, or an index from 1 to GetNumAddOns. Note: This list is up to date for patch 1. Quality is the third value returned by GetItemInfo(); The quality colors can be found using the ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS table or calling GetItemQualityColor() Each entry in ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS is a table with four entries: . Returns Sets the texture to an atlas. "target") Returns isSame boolean - 1 if the two units are the same entity, nil otherwise. bookType string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET depending on if you wish to query the player or pet spellbook. RunMacro(name) Arguments name number|string - the position or name of the macro. ; Example Returns whether the region (and its parents) are shown. gg Community Creates a texture. Slot Summary. ; If you want more detail, ZONE_CHANGED is also triggered every time you move between sub-sections of an area, Returns cooldown info for an item ID. timestamp = GetServerTime() Returns timestamp number - Time in seconds since the epoch. role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(unit) Arguments unit string : UnitId Returns role string - TANK, HEALER, DAMAGER, NONE See Also Returns info for an available form or stance. desc = GetSpellDescription(spellID) Arguments spellID number - Not readily available on function call, see SpellMixin:ContinueOnSpellLoad. A simple program like this will show the difference. r, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(quality) quality Enum. Setting a script will remove any scripts that were previously hooked with HookScript. "Lesser Heal" spellSubName string - The spell rank or sub type, e. Returns nil if attempting to set a secure cvar in combat. Run Pages/ scripts to generate wikitext. The Warcraft Wiki is an officially-recognized wiki dedicated to cataloging Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft universe (with a focus on World of Warcraft), covering the entire Warcraft series of games, strategy guides, novels, comics, reference books, and other sources. Arguments slot number - Action slot to load the tooltip for. slotIndex number - Slot index within the specified bag, ascending from 1. Returns the name of the map instance which can be different from GetZoneText(); The returned zone name is localized to the game client's language. The extended payload can be supplied to the Details. gg Community Returns the server's Unix time. e. Example Shows or hides the region. gg Community Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. registered = Frame:RegisterUnitEvent(eventName [, unit1 [, ]]) Arguments eventName string - Name of the frame event. A new VertexColor animation type has been added that can be used to animate changes to vertex colors on textures. Returns itemId Returns the map instance name. Valid indices are integers -2 through 11. CastingInfo () - Returns the player's currently casting spell. 13452 Example hitBonus = GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_HIT_MELEE) -- 5. line = Frame:CreateFontString([name, drawLayer, templateName]) Arguments name string? - The global variable name that will be assigned, or nil for an anonymous fontstring. gg Community Returns the name of the zone the player is in. It's officially documented in Blizzard_APIDocumentation which is accessible via the /api command. chatType API - List of all API functions documented by volunteer contributions to Warcraft Wiki; Blizzard_APIDocumentation - Blizzard's in-game API Documentation; Townlong Yak API Documentation - Online API Documentation viewer; APIInterface - Addon to navigate documentation more easily without spamming text in your chat window Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. This can be an empty string. . loaded boolean - True if the addon has been, or is being Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. gg Community → UI Tech. SendChatMessage(msg [, chatType [, languageID [, target]]]) Arguments msg string - The message to be sent. 13452 See also. itemId, unknown = GetInventoryItemID(unit, invSlotId) Arguments unit string : UnitId - The unit whose inventory is to be queried. invSlotId number : InventorySlotId - to be queried, obtained via GetInventorySlotInfo. Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. gg Community A new addon profiling API has been added. ; Classic. Returns env table? - The environment assigned to the function. gg Community Creates a fontstring. gg Community shouldUpdate = GameTooltip:SetAction(slot) Shows the tooltip for the specified action button. 0. There is another problem with the return values as they depend on SetGuildRosterShowOffline() setting. SetCVar(name [, value]) = SetCVar Arguments name string : CVar - Name of the CVar. May return wrong values immediately after quitting a guild. isShown = ScriptRegion:IsShown() isVisible = ScriptRegion:IsVisible() Returns isShown boolean - True if the region should be shown, but it depends on the parents if it's visible. icon, itemCount, locked, quality, readable, lootable, itemLink, isFiltered, noValue, itemID, isBound = GetContainerItemInfo(bagID, slot) bagID number - BagID of the bag the item is in, e. Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. If the WTF folder is deleted (while the game client is not running), then Character and Account-specific CVars will be restored from the last known values on the server (CVar synchronizeConfig ) instead of any default settings. hex string A subset of The War Within API changes from Patch 11. isVisible boolean - True if the region and its parents are shown, making it effectively visible. Details. Contribute to Ketho/WowpediaDoc development The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of Lua functions and facilities provided by the Blizzard WoW Client, to allow interaction with the World of Warcraft and its user interface. value = C_CVar. gg Community Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. gg Community Returns ratingBonus number - the actual bonus in percent the combat rating confers; e. ) UNIT_AURA: unitTarget, updateInfo unitTarget string : UnitId updateInfo UnitAuraUpdateInfo? : Optional table of information about changed auras. This might be the case for other trade skills and Sets the text of a tooltip. Internally the game only tests if this is equal to "pet" and treats any other string value as "spell". TextureBase:SetAtlas(atlas [, useAtlasSize [, filterMode [, resetTexCoords]]]) Arguments atlas string: textureAtlas useAtlasSize boolean? = false - True if the size of the texture should be changed to match the dimensions of the atlas. For example itemID 17 still returns true for C_Item. GetFirstBagBankSlotIndex () - Returns the index of the first This API exists on all client flavors. Fires when a buff, debuff, status, or item bonus was gained by or faded from an entity (player, pet, NPC, or mob. texture = Frame:CreateTexture([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel]) Arguments name string? - The global variable name that will be assigned, or nil for an anonymous texture. unit1, string?: UnitToken - A list of units (up to four units). startTime, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown(itemInfo) itemInfo number|string : Item ID, Link or name startTime number - The time when the cooldown started (as returned by GetTime()) or zero if no cooldown. The enabled return value allows addons to easily check if the player has used a buff-providing spell (such as Presence of Mind or Nature's Returns the assigned role for players in your group or raid. zoneName = GetZoneText() Returns zoneName string - Localized zone name. Returns success boolean - Whether the CVar was successfully set. drawLayer string?: DrawLayer - The layer the texture should be drawn in. success = PlayerModel:SetUnit(unit [, blend, useNativeForm]) Arguments unit string: UnitToken - Unit whose model you wish to display blend boolean? = true useNativeForm boolean? Returns success boolean Details. gg Community. ScriptRegion:SetShown([show]) show boolean? = false - True is equivalent to ScriptRegion:Show, false to ScriptRegion:Hide Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. Patch changes Retail. GetUnitName(unit [, showServerName]) can return the combined unit and realm name. ; Frames cannot be deleted or garbage collected, so it may be preferable to reuse them. Returns desc string Example GetSpellDescription() > "Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 141 Fire damage. r number?. Note: for the Enchanting trade skill at rank Apprentice, the returned string contains a trailing space, i. ; Intrinsic frames may also be used. slot number - API namespaces/C UnitAuras This page was last edited on 28 November 2024, at 14:22. 4. TOC: 110007 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources A new C_AddOnProfiler namespace has been added with functions for querying CPU performance metrics associated with addons. r, g, b: the decimal RGB values (0. The Lua user interface This page contains a comparison of global functions in Classic Era and Cataclysm Classic. Sets the model to display the specified unit. Patch 3. Executes a macro. Fires the frame's OnLoad script, if it has one from an inherited template. Example GameTooltip:SetAction Returns the spell description. Returns shouldUpdate boolean - true if the action is on cooldown or has a duration and the tooltip should be refreshed. b number - Blue component of the color (0 to 1, inclusive). filterMode string?: FilterMode - Texture filtering mode to use, one of: LINEAR (default; bilinear filtering), Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. xygc ahdvjs eaq sxks wjnrt bdvimii scx ybveitp jriuui qhrl