Hiv drug resistance database.
Updated summary from the HIV Drug Resistance Database.
Hiv drug resistance database The ability to develop new algorithms that can be run on the HIV Drug Resistance Database depends on the Algorithm Specific Interface (ASI) compiler software. An HIV drug resistance database that curates, annotates, and synthesizes the primary data from many studies will be an invaluable research resource to the many researchers performing drug resistance surveillance, managing persons with HIV, and HBVseq accepts user-submitted HBV RT sequences, determines their genotypes, and compares them to a genotype consensus reference sequence. Phone: (415) 544-9400 | info@iasusa. Disseminating HIV drug resistance information and using data to inform policies 13 8. The use of long acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA) for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) greatly reduces the risk of acquiring HIV. Users can retrieve all results on isolates containing the specified mutations or only those results with exact matches (at nonpolymorphic established drug-resistance positions) to the specified mutations. An HIV drug-resistance database is required to represent, store, and analyze the diverse forms of data underlying our knowledge of drug resistance and to make these data available to the broad community of researchers studying drug resistance in HIV and clinicians using HIV drug-resistance tests. Summary of the recommended activities at the country level for assessing and preventing HIV drug resistance 16 Annex 2. Year founded: 1999: Last update: 2017: Version: Accessibility: HIV drug resistance data are critical for HIV drug resistance surveillance, ARV drug design, and the management of persons infected with drug-resistant HIV. Primer is a detailed description of the database rationale, particularly with respect to the problem of HIV drug resistance. 1 Various additional tools are available to assist providers in interpreting genotypic test results. Updated summary from the HIV Drug Resistance Database. These therapies should prevent HIV drug resistance evolution, because one or more drugs suppress any partially resistant viruses. Furthermore, drug-resistant HIV variants can be transmitted to treatment-naive individuals and further spread throughout the population over time [3, 4, 5]. The impact of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase polymorphisms on responses to first-line nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based therapy in HIV-1-infected adults. References. 11. Shafer (2003) Human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase and protease sequence database. References 14 Annex 1. , 2003), developed and maintained at Stanford University, includes three main types of data: “genotype-phenotype,” “genotype-treatment,” A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular This report summarizes findings from 38 countries that implemented HIVDR surveys using WHO-recommended methods between 2014 and 2021. HIV drug resistance database (Rhee et al. Rapid increase in the frequency of wild‐type HIV‐1 drug resistance reports among ART‐experienced patients in the UK. It has been recompiled in 2008 listing 93 common mutations, after its initial mutation compilation in 2007 of 80 mutations. 1 Quashie PK, Mesplède T, Han YS, Oliveira M, Singhroy DN, Fujiwara T, Underwood MR and Wainberg MA. Database . 341 patterns of major drug resistance mutations (defined here) from 73424 clinical isolates obtained from 71557 persons infected with HIV-1 Group M virus are arranged in decreasing prevalence in the table (updated on 2024-1-16). HBVseq accepts user-submitted HBV RT sequences, determines their genotypes, and compares them to the genotype consensus reference sequences. These transmitted drug-resistant HIVseq accepts user-submitted RT, protease, and integrase sequences or mutations. . Nucleic Acids Introduction. A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related Global and national policy decisions on antiretroviral therapy and HIV service delivery need to be informed by reliable national data on HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) prevalence and trends. It provides comments, scores, and links to data from the HIV Drug Resistance Database. Its purpose is educational and as such it provides extensive comments and a highly transparent scoring system that is hyperlinked to data in the HIV Drug Resistance Database. In present study RT region alone was genotyped. Provided in collaboration with NIH’s Office of AIDS Research. 4) to determine resistance-associated mutations. ^ Mackie NE, Dunn DT, Dolling D, Garvey L, Harrison L, Fearnhill E, Tilston P, Sabin C, Geretti AM, UK HIV Drug Resistance Database and UK CHIC study. Due to fund constraints we could focus only on RT region. The WHO HIV drug resistance report 2021 shows substantial progress in the implementation of HIVDR surveillance. There is currently insufficient information to add the sequences and associated data to the HBV Drug Resistance Database. Background HIV/AIDS is a serious threat to public health. These 2 approaches are in agreement for many, The Protein Data Bank (PDB), which is maintained by the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics, contains approximately 380 protease, 120 reverse transcriptase (RT), and 20 integrase crystallographic structures. The group reviews new data on HIV drug resistance to maintain a current list of mutations associated with clinical resistance to HIV-1. The advent of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) changed HIV/AIDS from a deadly disease in most individuals to one that can be managed with lifelong treatment. The mutations defined as differences between the submitted sequence and the consensus reference sequence are used as query parameters for interrogating a local HBV RT drug resistance database (HBVrt DB) to retrieve A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. stanford. Stanford HIV resistance database; International Antiviral Society-USA resistance mutations; International AIDS Society–USA (IAS–USA) also produce annual updates on HIV drug resistance mutations, webcasts and other resources. HIV Drug Resistance Database: A curated public database to represent, store, and analyze HIV drug resistance data. The RDI used its models to power its HIV Treatment Response Prediction System (HIV-TRePS). Rhee (2003) Reproduced with Permission from NAR Online. The HIV databases are supported by the NIH and DOE and maintained at the The MDR project (HIV multidrug resistance pathways in the EuResist Integrated DataBase) aims at estimating the prevalence and trend over time of MDR (multidrug resistance) in HIV patients, using descriptive statistics, retaining A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. ADVANCING CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS GLOBALLY ©ACTG. and assessments of genotype-phenotype correlations from a large clinical database have determined the relative importance of the various mutations. The emergence of drug resistance mutations diminishes the effectiveness of drug therapy for HIV/AIDS. If an HIV-infected patient becomes resistant to a drug and continues to take the same medication, HIV is able to multiply faster because the drug cannot stop A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. HIV Drug Resistance Mutations Database, Stanford University; HIV French Resistance, French ANRS (National Agency for AIDS Research) AC11 Resistance Group; HIV Drug Resistance. The WHO HIVDR database is a platform stored on a secure United Nations server. Translated sequences are compared to the consensus subtype B reference sequence and the differences are used as query parameters for interrogating the HIV Drug Resistance Database to determine the prevalence of each mutation in antiretroviral class naïve or experienced patients with A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. from Drug Resistance Mutations for Surveillance of Transmitted HIV-1 Drug-Resistance: A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. HIValg is designed for users interested in comparing the results of different algorithms or who are interested in comparing and evaluating existing and newly developed algorithms. A curated public database to represent, store and analyze HIV drug resistance data. Drug susceptibility results (fold-decreased susceptibility) of viruses containing one or more user-specfied mutations. Dolling D NM, Schwenk A, Churchill D, Pillay D, Dunn D, UK HIV Drug Resistance Database , UK Collaborative HIV Cohort Study . org. 2013; Abstract 594. Stanford HIV drug resistance database consisted of approximately 23,000 protease (PR) gene and 23,000 reverse transcriptase (RT) gene sequences. Each of these topics are available through a dedicated database, extensively annotated and with many specialized search and analysis tools. A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. Comparison of HIV drug resistance profiles across HIV-1 subtypes A and D for patients receiving a tenofovir-based and zidovudine-based first line regimens in Uganda. REGA HIV-1 Subtyping Tool - Version 3. It includes links to each drug family (drug resistance mutation tables) and the related mutations and individual pages for The Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database hosts a freely available online genotypic resistance interpretation system called HIVdb to help clinicians and laboratories interpret HIV-1 genotypic resistance tests. The Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database also provides helpful guidance for interpreting genotypic resistance test results. Appendix 6: Stanford Drug Resistance Database online tables The Stanford Drug Resistance Database is one of several online research resources that contain a vast amount of technical information about drug resistance. LANL HIV Sequence Databases: HIV Sequence, Molecular Immunology, and Vaccine Trials Databases: Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database: HIV drug resistance and genotypic resistance interpretation: IAS-USA HIV Drug Resistance Mutations: HIV drug resistance mutation figures and user notes: NIH AIDS Reagent Program The Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database also provides helpful guidance for interpreting genotypic resistance test results. As of July 2023, only six countries had implemented surveys of acquired HIV drug resistance among children and adolescents receiving dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy with unsuppressed viral load; one Provided in collaboration with NIH’s Office of AIDS Research. Home; a disproportionate amount of current HIV drug resistance knowledge is derived from preclinical and early clinical drug development studies and there are major gaps in what is known about HIV drug resistance in patients The Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database also provides helpful guidance for interpreting genotypic resistance test results. Results A unified encoding of protein sequence and structure The HIVDB GRT interpretation system is updated as new studies on HIV drug resistance are published and as treatment guidelines evolve. A detailed description of the program as well as all updates is in the Release Notes. The differences between the submitted sequence and the consensus reference sequence are used as query parameters for interrogating a local HBV drug resistance database (HBVrt DB) to retrieve the prevalence of each mutation The Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database is updated regularly with new sequence data and maintains a list of 'usual' mutations in the protease-RT region of HIV-1 group M viruses. 1 Dolling DI, Dunn DT, Sutherland KA, Pillay D, Mbisa JL, Parry CM, Post FA, Sabin CA, Cane PA, UK HIV Drug Resistance Database (UKHDRD) and UK Collaborative HIV Cohort Study (UK CHIC). LAST UPDATE. Los Alamos HIV Sequence Database: A database of annotated HIV sequences, plus related tools and information. The HIV drug resistance report 2021 summarizes findings from 38 countries that had finalized the surveys by the time of this report The following resources provide guidance in use of resistance tests and their interpretation. Primary drug resistance and HIV subtype were determined according to the Stanford HIV database . Characterization of the R263K mutation in HIV-1 integrase that confers low-level resistance to the second-generation integrase strand transfer inhibitor dolutegravir. Drug Resistance Mutations Chart; Recent Webinars; Journal Articles; 131 Steuart St, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94105. WHO HIV drug resistance database. Developing a computational prediction of drug resistance phenotype will enable efficient and timely selection of the best treatment regimens. : 2. 1 However, owing to the high genetic diversity of HIV-1, low-frequency drug resistance mutations exist in patients even before cART initiation 2–4 and these low-frequency mutations Appropriate clinical assessment and management of HIV drug resistance remain important with contemporary antiretroviral therapy (ART) to ensure people living with HIV (PLWH) can continue to achieve lifelong viral The Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database maintains a frequently updated expert system for interpreting HIV-1 genotypic resistance tests. These data are best represented in a database that not only catalogs mutations associated with drug resistance but also links complete genetic sequences to other forms of data. Background and Rationale is a brief bulleted description of the database rationale targeted towards a lay audience. This document can be downloaded from the hivdb. edu home page. A web service has been created to allow users to access HIVdb programmatically. They have helped clinicians seeking to ^ Ayitewala A, Kyeyune F, Ainembabazi P, Nabulime E, Kato CD and Nankya I. Sequences containing a mixture at one of the major drug resistance positions were excluded from the table. The HIV Databases cover HIV sequences, HIV molecular immunology, HIV drug resistance mutations and nonhuman primate HIV/SIV vaccine trials. The sequences and associated data should be added to the HBV Drug Resistance Database within about three months. AIDS Res Ther 2020. A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: is designed to match submitted ARV data with sequences in the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database obtained from persons receiving the same ARVs. Generic budgets 17. 0 1. M184V/I cause high-level resistance to 3TC and FTC and low-level resistance to ddI and ABC. Betts, Jaideep Ravela, and Robert W. 6 Clinicians are A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. 2-5 Clinical trials have demonstrated that consulting with specialists in HIV drug resistance improves virologic outcomes. This database includes deidentified individual-level epidemiological information linked to HIV genome sequences. Drug resistance testing is used to determine whether a patient with HIV has a mutated form of the virus that does not respond to antiretroviral therapy (ART). The TCE Viewer accepts an xml file, validates the file against the TCE Schema, and generates a graphical summary containing three sections: (i) the ARV regimens, plasma HIV-1 RNA levels, and CD4 counts preceding and following the treatment change; (ii) the data from A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. WHO has developed an HIVDR database as a global repository of HIVDR survey data. ` STANFORD HIV DRG RESISTANCE DATABASE Major HIV-1 Drug Resistance Mutations hivdbstanfordedu Major Integrase Inhibitor (INSTI) Resistance Mutations 66 92 118 138 140 143 148 155 263 Cons T E G E G HIVseq accepts user-submitted RT, protease, and integrase sequences or mutations. Data are shown by drug class. NRTI-Resistance Mutations and Response to New NRTI-Containing Regimens Three fundamental types of correlations form the basis of drug resistance knowledge: (i) Correlations between genotypic data with the treatments of persons from whom sequenced HIV-1 isolates have been obtained (genotype-treatment); (ii) Correlations between genotype and in vitro drug A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. He continues his work on the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database and the Liverpool HIV Drug Interactions Website. In practice, such therapies How to Cite the HIV Drug Resistance Database. A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related HIVdb is a tool to analyze protease, RT, and integrase mutations and resistance to antiretroviral drugs. However, M184V/I are not contraindications to continued treatment with 3TC or FTC because they increase susceptibility to AZT, TDF and d4T and are associated with clinically significant reductions in HIV-1 replication. These structures have been pivotal to antiretroviral drug design and understanding HIV drug resistance. Unpublished: The paper describing the sequences has not yet been published. Dr. All current ARV drugs, including newer classes, are at Drug resistance mutations (DRMs) arise in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) due to antiretroviral treatment pressure, leading to viral rebound and treatment failure [1, 2]. HIV drug resistance database 13 7. The HIVDB GRT interpretation system is a rules-based system that estimates NRTI, NNRTI, PI, and/or INSTI susceptibility using antiretroviral (ARV) penalty score for drug-resistance mutations (DRMs) in an HIV-1 A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. Gonzales, Rami Kantor, Bradley J. Low frequency of genotypic resistance in HIV-1-infected patients failing an atazanavir-containing regimen: a clinical cohort study. It shows the levels of • HIV drug resistance is caused by one or more changes (mutations) in the genetic structure of HIV that affect the ability of a specific drug or combination of drugs to block replication of HIV. eCARE is in an early stage of development and is provided at this stage solely for obtaining user feedback. PLoS One 2009. Triple-drug therapies have transformed HIV from a fatal condition to a chronic one. Soo-Yon Rhee, Matthew J. Schapiro has served as a member and advisor of numerous US and international HIV expert panels and working groups including the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee, WHO Resistance Network, and the An HIV drug-resistance database is required to represent, store, and analyze the diverse forms of data underlying our knowledge of drug resistance and to make these data available to the broad community of researchers studying drug resistance in HIV and clinicians using HIV drug-resistance tests. Mutations were determined by HIV-1 whole-genome sequencing using the Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database (v9. Liu TF, Pillay D, Shafer RW. The system accepts user-submitted protease, reverse transcriptase (RT), and or integrase sequences or lists of mutations in these genes. Drug resistance mutations for surveillance of transmitted HIV-1 drug-resistance: 2009 update. iv An HIV drug‐resistance database is required to represent, store, and analyze the diverse forms of data underlying our knowledge of drug resistance and to make these data available to the broad community of researchers studying drug resistance in HIV and clinicians using HIV drug‐resistance tests. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). The primer also describes how the HIV RT and Protease Sequence Database differs from other databases containing HIV sequences, A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation in the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy. Create your own TCE XML document or download TCEs from the Repository and load it to TCE Viewer. 0 44. However, INSTI resistance has been observed in some cases with recent CAB-LA exposure, and delayed detection and confirmation of HIV infection can increase the risk of selection of INSTI drug resistance–associated mutations. The increasing prevalence of HIV drug resistance is a threat to HIV treatment and prevention. 1057 patterns of major drug resistance mutations (defined here) from 260177 clinical isolates obtained from 248410 persons infected with HIV-1 Group M virus are arranged in decreasing prevalence in the table (updated on 2024-1-16). The HIV Resistance Response Database Initiative (RDI) was formed in 2002 to use artificial intelligence (AI) to predict how patients will respond to HIV drugs using data from more 250,000 patients from around 50 countries around the world. HIV Drug Resistance Database. 9. These tests are designed to assess susceptibility to nucleoside and nonnucleoside reverse 44. 1. APRIL 2024 Last tables of rules HIV-1 (V35) Last tables of rules HIV-2 A curated public database designed to represent, store, and analyze the divergent forms of data underlying HIV drug resistance. HIV Drug Resistance Testing. Between 2014 and 2021, 56 countries implemented HIVDR surveys using WHO-recommended methods. 0 This tool is designed to use phylogenetic methods in order to identify the subtype of HIV drug resistance, brief report 2024 vi Definitions HIV drug resistance is caused by changes (mutations) in the virus genome that affect the ability of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to block the HIV replication. The rules are presented as tables listing mutations conferring genotypic resistance or possible genotypic resistance to anti-HIV drugs and will be updated regularly. Interactive map of HIV-1 drug resistance rates in untreated populations: HIV Drug Resistance Database, also known as Stanford HIV RT and Protease Sequence Database, is a database at Stanford University that tracks 93 common mutations of HIV. 0. The pol (RT region) gene sequences were submitted to the Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database (hivdb. An HIV drug‐resistance database is required to represent, store, and analyze the diverse forms of data underlying our knowledge of drug resistance and to make these data available to the broad community of researchers studying drug resistance in HIV and clinicians using HIV drug‐resistance tests. edu/) version 6. rtfqis wujat frcmjre osk bekjq spkrix dmuatq lxomhgld ylbgn ygcq